Therapeutic Massage

A no-frills massage tailored to your needs. Your massage therapist will check in with you before the service and during the massage on what pressure you prefer, areas to avoid or focus on, and focus on meeting any specific goals-whether that is just to chill or get rid of a nagging pain

Trauma Informed Massage at Willow

Sensory Massage

This session signals to your massage therapist that you’d like additional care taken. We use a weighted blanket, sensory tools (dry brush, knobbed ball) to stimulate the skin and muscles, along with adjusting lighting and noise levels to assist you to sink in to a relaxing experience.

Massage With Reiki

Guided with informed intuition catered to your needs, your therapist will incorporate a blend of massage techniques and Reiki ( a nurturing touch to encourage the flow of energy in the physical and subtle bodies) to support you on your healing journey.

Prenatal Massage

For second and third trimester only, this massage is tailored to address pregnancy-related aches and pains while providing deep relaxation for the parent-t0-be. We provide lots of bolsters in order to make the table as comfy and accommodating as possible.

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